Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Sunday

Just before church

Wendy, Mackenzie, Jackson & Charlie

did we get them all??

All done!


The Egg Hunt at daycare

Jackson and the motherload

Melanie, Charlie, Taelynne & Jackson

The whole bunch

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Is it spring yet??

At the Fallen Firefighters Chili Cookoff Fundraiser

We FINALLY got to meet Lola (our friends daughter)

Playing in the excavator

Fun at the park

They are so different in so many ways

Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 2008

What a wonderfully busy month! From start to finish, December kept us on our toes. Here's a brief recap of our activities and pictures. We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and many blessings to you and your families as the New Year aproaches!


Christmas morning

Charlie got the bike he asked Santa for!

Jackson wasn't happy that he couldn't ride it

More presents from Nana & Papa before Christmas dinner...

Charlie & cousin Mackenzie

Winter Garden Aglow

Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Gardens lit up all the paths and plants, trees and greenhouses with lights. It was perfect because we had snow on the ground, making it a true 'winter wonderland'. Santa was even there in one of the greenhouses!

Charlie has a hot cocoa mustache

Snowsuit reminiscent of A Christmas Story



Charlie was prepared with what he was going to say and even laid his head on Santa's chest.

Jackson, on the other hand, just wanted to get off of his lap!


Happy Birthday Charlie & Taelynne

Charlie & Taelynne are 2 weeks apart and go to the same daycare. They had a combined birthday party with the daycare bunch and Charlie was so happy he got to share his birthday party with his 'girlfriend' Tae.

Morgan & Max
Madison, Charly, Melanie, Taelynne & Charlie


Pastry chef Charlie

He did REALLY well with sugar cookies. He floured the heck out of the board, rolled the dough, cut out cookies and placed them on the cookie sheet.


Cutting down our Christmas tree

I love this picture

Standing infront of 'the chosen one'

Since we we're in the middle of nowhere, we let Charlie steer for a mile or two


Christmas Tree lighting downtown Boise

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Playin at the park on Bronco game day

What a cute little boy

This guy is getting REALLY brave!

Charlie got Jackson to climb up to the top, but Jackson wouldn't go down the slide

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 08

Thomas the Tank Engine and Winnie the Pooh

Yes, Charlie has a fat lip...He was being superman at daycare

Can't catch me for any pictures!!!!